Marja-Leena Rathje
Home ::: colours of autumn

colours of autumn





Suddenly, it is November and for many writers also NaNoWriMo** month. As I'm not writing a novel or poetry, I thought I'd try for the first time to post something every day. It's a busy month for me so we'll see if I'm able to meet the challenge.

Here are some of Vancouver's fall colours, captured when out and about with appointments last Friday.

**Added Nov. 3rd: It seems that I might instead fit into this category of daily blogging for November: NaBloPoMo

Marja-Leena | 01/11/2010 | 7 comments
themes: Blogging, Canada and BC


For some reason I thought the title was Dollops of Autumn. I guess it could be! Enjoy the fall leaves - we are losing ours rapidly.

The fall colors look strange to me. Living here, I'm starting to forget about the seasons.

The colours are more subtle on the west coast but so is the change in season. Was that last one taken in Fairview overlooking False Creek? It looks like a view of downtown that's familiar.

some friends just came back from a Canada trip, they said it was redder than Europe!

Good luck with the daily posting, I look forward to seeing what you show us.

Leslee, dollops are good! The fall leaves appear and fall at different times for different trees. Many of the native large leaf maples have dropped theirs. The Japanese maples are at their best now but will soon be bare.

Hattie, I could not imagine not having seasons. Even here we really just have three, for winter is short.

Susan, yes it's Fairview - good memory!! Yes, we don't get quite the stunning colours as the east does, being dominated by evergreens.

Lucy, can you mean Vancouver (see above comment)? Thanks for the good luck wishes - we shall see.

Lovely pictures! Good luck posting every day (or as often as you can). I find it's a good once-a-year exercise in creativity, like occasionally running a marathon.

Lorianne, thanks! I know you do well on these 'marathons', I hope I can keep up without losing quality or cutting into my other creative work time.